The new year is a great time to focus on the things that are most important to you. And do something about it. So. We are excited to announce a new face for Natosha Ledbetter Photography. It has been a long time coming, and we are excited about the possibilities for our new look. Be watching for changes on all our websites, and you just might see a sneak peek of our new face before our new website actually goes up. ;)
Until now, we have been taking photos because we love it. Really. We would do it every day if we could. But I believe there is great merit in being intentional and purposeful. That is the motivation for our new year.
This year, we will focus on 3 essential ideas. Fresh. Beautiful. Genuine.
Fresh. Nathan and I love fresh, crisp (or creamy) things. We think of fresh cut grass, and cool fresh air. We want our photos to be a breath of fresh air in a world full of stale sameness.
Beautiful. You are beautiful. Your man-to-be thinks you are beautiful. And we all know you’re going to be amazingly beautiful on your wedding day. And so are your wedding photographs.
Genuine. We are just real. We all do our best, but when it gets down to it, life happens. And that’s okay. We understand that we’re not all perfect. And in a world like we live in when there is so much fluff, we’d rather just be the real thing. We work hard, try our best, and give it all we’ve got. That is the real us.
So, our new favorite words are a combination of smells, ideas and goals. And I could talk about those 3 words all day long. They are some of my favorites, especially when they are all together. But instead of blabbing on and on, I am going to show you a photo we took at a recent wedding so you can see what I’m talking about.
There. Do you think this is fresh, beautiful and genuine? This is almost the photo taken right out of the camera. And I think it embodies our new exciting direction for the new year.
I am so glad you cared enough to read my rambling on. We are blessed to have a few quiet months to ourselves before the wedding season ramps up, so don’t be alarmed if you don’t see a ton of action here. Just know that behind the scenes, we are working on a fresh direction and a new vision for our sweet little company.
Thank you for making our year what is has been.
To you, we are forever grateful.
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